Knowing the market price is a shortcut to winning the auction

At auction, there is no fixed price, and we compete with other bidders to purchase a vehicle, driving up the price.
The value of the car is affected by the number of bidders, and if there is only one of its kind, it can be quite expensive.
However, if there are similar cars available, bidders may stop competing.
It’s important to know when to stop.
To assist with this, we offer market prices as a guideline to determine a reasonable purchase price.
With our auction system, you can be sure to purchase your desired vehicle by bidding based on these market prices at your first auction.
Membership registration is free, so sign up with your email address to start bidding today.
However, if there are similar cars available, bidders may stop competing. It’s important to know when to stop. To assist with this, we offer market prices as a guideline to determine a reasonable purchase price.
With our auction system, you can be sure to purchase your desired vehicle by bidding based on these market prices at your first auction. Membership registration is free, so sign up with your email address to start bidding today.